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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Beaded Hummingbird Pin Cushion

My first project of the new year 2024, is this pretty hummingbird pin cushion. I’ve had the kit for a little while and decided while the snow is falling why not  work on project while staying nice and warm indoors.

This is a kit I purchased from a seller on Etsy that is from Ukraine. Those artists in Ukraine are truly amazing. You can find Wonderland Ukraine HERE.

Everything you need is included in the kit. They use wood cuts for beading on. I think it’s like an MDF board. It’s a medium density fibre (MDF) wood product. It’s made by breaking down hardwood or softwood residuals into wood fibre. Then combined with wax and a resin binder and formed into panels using high temperature and pressure. It does not off gas and is in incredibly hard.

Every colour of bead is individually packaged, as well you will receive all the necessary parts to complete the project. They even include the felt to attach to the back to cover the stitching. Very simple to assemble. Take a look at the Etsy site, they have a great variety of unique projects to choose from.  Here is my finished piece.

All you have to provide is some glue to stand the hummingbird up in the space provided. After you stitch the pin cushion together, you first glue a circle piece of wood inside the base, then glue the pincushion into the base. I used a glue stick and it seems to be holding well. Enjoy…


  1. Wow very pretty. I bought some cross stitch patterns of Gnomes from a Ukrainian artist last year yet to be stitched.

  2. It turned out beautiful. I love it- Shashi

  3. Thank you ladies for your nice comments. Much appreciated..
