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Saturday, March 8, 2025

 Tea is Served

Do you enjoy a good cup of tea?  Alexandra M. has created a pretty tea set with her paper art. First up, she presented a group of 24 tea bags to make and little open boxes to keep them in. Each set of 6 is in a separate little box and then they fit into another box. The links for all will be at the bottom of this post. As you watch the video's you will see her putting together all the tea bags, and just how pretty the graphics are that she created for them.

What do you need to go with tea bags ?? Cups of course. On her Ko-Fi page, she has offered a freebie for the cups to print and put together. In the tutorial for the tea bags, she has also added an extra step to make your own tea bags with whatever paper you like. 

Not satisfied with 24 tea bags, Alexandra carried on to make a second batch of 24 tea bags. They are fun to make and I spent a fair bit of time working on them, no rush to get to the end. In the second kit, was the template for this pretty box. You will see her put it together in the new video. 

And not to let that be the end, there is a second part to this next batch of tea bags. There is a second box template you can find on her Ko-Fi page, as well, another freebie....... for what?? What's missing from the tea set ???? Look below..... aren't they pretty. Little tea pots of course and you can see the second box to make. 

This is the now the complete set. And now, the links to everything are below. Enjoy.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting all the tea bags together and sharing them here on your blog in such an organized way, Romona! You rock!
