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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Beaded Stars and Snowflakes

It seems that I do things in cycles. The beginning is showing me that I like to do some beading in January/February. These are a few beaded stars. I did some of them last year at this time and the rest recently. I also have a few other beaded things that I'll post next time. 

These designs are from Argus Collection. Quinn has a new website and I'll send you over there. She is great to work with and quick to respond if you have any questions.

Besides all her inventory, patterns free and paid ones, as well as specific companies she sources from. I see a link that she will have a blog at some point. Sign up for her newsletter if inclined to do so, and one more thing. She has a rewards card to collect points for more savings. Take the time to look around, you will find some really inspiring beading projects and the supplies that go with the patterns. 

Click here for the Argus Collection

The size of these stars is approximately 2" square. I think they would really shine if they are made into a mobile, with pretty beaded branches to hang from. Of course that means I have to make more colour variations. Darn that might also mean I'd have to buy more supplies... Hmmm, what to do. The patterns are on Quinn's site. Enjoy.....






  1. These stars all look so pretty, Romona! They could be used as ornaments on a little 'desktop' Christmas tree :)
    I really like the white and gold one!

  2. They are all lovely. I went over and took a look at her site. Very Tempting :)
