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Friday, July 6, 2018

Blue Caterpillar

This doll or bug actually, is the Suzette Rugolo design. What a great design to work with. It’s fussy to make the caterpillar body, but if you just take time to read the instructions to make that part you’ll get it. I pinned the sections together and studied how that comes together to form the body and that exercise was worth the time it took to figure it out. I hate picking out mistakes, so when something is tricky, it helps me to work it out before I actually start the sewing part.

The Hookah pipe was fun to make. Quite a while ago, I posted pictures of some miniature brass candle sticks that someone made, that I found in a thrift store. That was such a great find. I used the largest one, added a bead and chain and to finish, used a miniature microphone for him to hold. Now he looks like he’s either singing, or singing because he’s smoking, I guess it will depend on the people who see him at the gallery. I will know who is who by their comments. ;o)

The whole thing is made using batik fabrics, except his shoes and Fez. Those are felt and/or leather. That’s the biggest mushroom ever. I didn’t use too many trims, just around his wrists and the legs where they join the body. I don’t like to see seams where the body parts are joined to the body, it just looks cleaner to add trims to those areas.

That’s all for now. Enjoy ;o)



  1. Hi Ramona your dolls are all wonderful. I have been busy lately so have not been blogging much. Have a question for you. Will be in Vancouver next month for a few days so will you be able able to tell me if there are and good craft shops there?
