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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Charity Project

This past week I spent working on a project for one of our local hospitals. They are calling it the T.L.C. Packages and they are for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Victoria General Hospital.


I quote " Each year, up to 600 babies, many premature and /or medically fragile, from Victoria, Vancouver Island and across B.C. receive specialized medical care from Victoria General Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (formerly known as the Special Care Unit). A baby can stay for hours for monitoring or may stay for many months for hospital care. They are and their families are, in need of Tender Loving Care.


Cheerful flannelette T.L.C. cloths are needed for both baby boys and girls to lie under their faces, covers for the tiniest and to take home for future baths. The T.L.C. mitts will help stop the babies from pulling out their breathing tubes. Suitable "baby" prints appreciated."

How Can You Help? If you live in the Greater Victoria/Sidney or Gulf Islands area, please contact Andrea Hamilton at Fabric Traders in Sidney for details. 250-652-8511. If you aren't a sewer but would like to help, a donation of flannelette is more than welcome. (please pre wash to remove sizing).


I am putting out a challenge to anyone in this area to meet or beat the amount of clothes and mitts I have done so far. I have done 100 cloths and 61 pairs of mitts. The sewing is quick and easy and you don't even have to put the ties on the mitts, the person managing the project will take care of that part. I don't as a rule promote causes because I always feel they are so personal and nobody should ever feel pressure to help if they simply aren't able to or have their own causes and don't want to add more to that list. I haven't in the past had a lot of time to participate in many projects, but I will do more for this.Thank you for taking the time to read this.



  1. Thank you Romona for telling the world about our special project, the nurses are always in need of the little mits and mats...all your efforts are so truly appreciated, I love your support my friend. Your photos are very well done, very appealing. Love Andrea

  2. What a great cause, Ro! I hope others in your area take up your challenge.

    Btw, I LOVE the new look on your blog!
