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Friday, August 24, 2007

Beaded Trim

I've often found some great tutorials online either in blogs or websites and thought sometime I would like to be able to offer something as well. The opportunity presented itself this week. I got an order for a dragon like one I sold recently. I agreed to get it made by September 6th....(what WAS I thinking !!) I needed some beaded trim and just simply don't have any that will work with the fabric I'm using and not enough time to go searching in my usual places or have anything mailed to me.... What to do, what to do...
Ahhh, make your own. So that's what I did and as I worked away on it thought, hmmm bet there are others out there who could use this. I don't claim to be any kind of expert but this is the method I used and it seems to be just fine. Here is a picture of the final results and how it looks next to the fabric. If you would like to make some trim or just have a tutorial available to make your own, just CLICK HERE and download the PDF file to your computer. I hope you can use the information and if you do make some trim, send me a picture. I would love to see what you can do to...


  1. thank you for the great tutorial.
    Joyce from ClothDollMaking

  2. Thanks, Ro....the bead trim looks great!

  3. Thanks ladies, I hope this tutorial will come in handy for you. Ro
