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Monday, March 18, 2019

Week 12-Polymer Clay Challenge

For week 12 of the challenge, I have these green boots. These are the boots I used when I made my crow, Treasure Hunter. He is a few posts back if you want to see him again.

An aside from the challenge. 

So bummed. My Open Live Writer program for blogging needs updating, so now everyone who uses it, has to wait. It was kept up to date this long by volunteers, so can't ask people to keep doing it for nothing. I would be willing to pay for the software if someone would make it work again.

Also, I heard from someone who found my blog and was commenting on resizing pictures. He appreciated the link to the Affinity Photo program I use, and offered a link to a site he thought my followers might find useful. 

I checked it out and it works. Since I use my photo program daily I am fine continuing on with that, but here is the link. Click the circle in the center and follow the prompts. I find it to be more steps than what I do, but for someone who doesn’t have a graphics program, you might find it very useful. It’s user friendly.

Thank Alyn, your email was appreciated.

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