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Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Little Positive Goes a Long Way!


I spent many hours today working at my computer, cleaning up folders, deleting tons of files. Why do we keep all that stuff, it’s gone, no turning back now.

Then I backed up all my files to both the external hard drive and the flash drives. Never hurts to have important files in at least a couple of other places.

While I was doing that, I was making notes for a positive post that I planned for New Years day. Thinking I could come up with something profound that might inspire others wasn’t so easy because you don’t want to sound sappy or a know it all. ;o)

Rather than risk that happening, I decided on this. I have this affirmation taped to my cupboard door and it serves me well. I posted it a while ago now when I finally had that “aha” moment when you really come to realize who and what is important in your life. It says it all, better than I could for sure.

At those times when I might for a millisecond doubt something or struggle with “what to do” or just feel kind of out of touch with things, I read this. It resides right above me while I’m at the computer, so no getting away from it. I hope it will help you. I can’t remember what site I found it on, but if you recognize it, let me know and I will add a link to the source.

If after reading it, you want to print this out, click here for a pdf file I made for it. I printed mine on card stock.




YOU focus on the people who love YOU

Your life is full of people who love you and want what is best for you.  Instead of worrying about negative people, you devote your time and attention to those who are a positive influence in your life.

You know there are people you can call when you need to talk.  You are blessed with friends who lend a listening ear and are quick to speak the truth when you are in need. You appreciate the people who are always there to encourage you when you need them.

You have friends and family who rejoice with you when you celebrate a success. You seek to be around these friends because success is sweeter when shared. You let go of concern over people who choose to envy you, rather than support you.

When you embark on a new risk, you hear the voices of your loved ones cheering you on in your thoughts.  You hear them say they believe in you and you shut out negative voices from your mind.

There is no room in your thoughts for people who dislike you, you do what you can to live in harmony with others, but you understand there are people who are difficult to please. You relinquish your desire to please critical people.

You stay away from negative people to keep your spirit uplifted.  You refuse to allow critical people to bring you down.  As long as you know that you have done your best, you are peace with yourself.

Today, choose to be thankful for the people in your life who are true friends. As you reflect on your life, you remind yourself how much you matter to those who love you.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful affirmation Romona and a great way to start the New Year. Wishing you and yours a year filled with love, joy and good health!
