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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Food for thought

Every so often I post something that is pretty much off the radar of what I generally post, but this is such an important topic, I just had to share the info. You may have seen this, but if haven’t, you will find it very illuminating to say the least. If you’ve ever experienced Cancer first hand or have had family or friends that have, you will certainly find this of interest.

The doctor shown in this movie developed a natural treatment for certain cancers, particularly for children, with specific attention to tumours. Just the idea that a doctor can treat cancer, especially for children, and that the FDA and NCI would fight him and try to stop him is appalling. I don’t want to say to much, but I think this worth the time to watch and share with others. You will be both shocked and probably not terribly surprized at the lengths that the powers that be, will go to, to stop someone from cutting into their profits.

When you get to the page, it may take a little while to start, but be patient. You can also download the entire movie for free and watch it in parts. At the end of the video there is also a note that  you can go to his site and download the full transcript of this movie.  I hope this helps someone. You don’t have to sit and watch it either, you can stuff dolly parts while you listen. multitask…..

A text link if you prefer not to click on the video link below.  CLick here to go to  Dr. Burzinski

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