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Monday, June 6, 2011


It was bound to happen, I’m being  infected by the Steampunk  bug. What a bug. I have a few  parts now, and as I find things to dismantle, I’m fairly certain that I will build on my collection.

With starting something new, comes the books, correct. Well my books have arrived and as always someone has to take the blame for it. This time it’s Laura Lundsford and her recent dolls where she’s used the Steampunk theme. Very nice dolls and you should at least be an intermediate doll maker because her instructions assume you are familiar with the process of making dolls, but very creative dolls none the less and a style all her own.

I know you need more books to and please feel free to blame you reduced pocket book on me, it’s fine. This is the first book, yes the first, there are more than one. This one is fabulous, not just the ideas for making jewelry which is the main focus, but the illustrations are the same fabulous inspirations and will cause you to be inspired whether you like it or not.

The next book is by none other than Christi Friesen. She’s the first one I discovered doing things in a Steampunk way. This book is cover to cover how to do it. The illustrations are clear and lots of them, showing you how to do this and that, using polymer clay, and covers tons of mixed media projects. Fantastic.It’s a smaller book but full full full of information.

The last book is the Bible of Steampunk and it truly is. You can read up on the beginnings of this topic. Full as the other books of illustrations both black/white and colour. This is one of those books you can flip to any page and be enthralled with the information. It’s not project oriented, it’s a learning curve. I love love love this book, it’s also hardcover which I like for the amount of times I will pick up and leaf through it. If you’re confused like I was about this crazy thing called Steampunk, you won’t be after this.

All three of the these books will make your head explode from inspiration. I would recommend any of them if you have the least bit of interest in the subject matter. Every one of them is beautifully put together, easy to follow and  will make your muse delirious with ideas and will promptly shove those ideas into your head. Happy creating.

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