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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bagel Safety

This is totally non craft related and you're wondering why I would bother to write about bagels. No I haven't lost it, honest. Not a bit of crafty news in this post. Although, if you like to snack on bagels while scanning your craft cupboard or a stack of magazines, well that would make bagels a craft related topic..... So why bagels? Okay, so my dh, like all men, loves gadgets. He's been on a mission to find the perfect bagel cutter, to save the hands from potential danger. Anyone who loves bagels knows exactly what that means. You learn how to balance a bagel on end and carefully and with the full respect a sharp knife deserves, you cut through. Sometimes you can lay it on the cutting board, flat and cut it sideways to. There are probably tons of different things that have been tried, and let us not forget that plastic box that you stand the bagel in, and it has that slit that goes down the sides and you guide the knife through that slit and strive for a cut bagel....Doesn't work well..... I had just actually perfected what I thought was a great way to deal with cutting bagels, but, when I saw this I just knew it was a winner.... So this is the box so you can look for it, if you're a bagel fanatic, and I haven't met a person yet that doesn't like bagels of one kind or another. My personal favourite are the sesame and the poppy seed ones.....with real butter and cream cheese and of course the Tim Hortons coffee with that... but I digress....Here it is, the Bagel Guillotine.
Does this not look like the best thing..... the next picture shows you the two parts.....It wasn't cheap, but for the benefit of cutting bagels safely and we do eat bagels pretty much every day, it was well worth it.
Seriously though, keep your kids well away from this. It is extremely sharp and could cause a serious injury to a child.....

Do you think this bagel knew what was coming....??? ;o) It works like a charm, you just slip the unsuspecting bagel into the slot, and slowly push the top down and there you are, a nicely cut bagel, no risk of injury and you're done...If you live in the Victoria BC area, they carry these at the Penna and Company kitchen shops. Enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. WOW....I must tell my brother about this one. He already has just about every kitchen gadget ever made. :)
