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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Three R's

Continuing on in clean and organizing mode. I've been busy sorting threads into their respective groups. The top spool holder for my cottons and sulky's. The bottom for my polyesters, and a box full now of bobbins of beading thread, sulkys and polyesters all in one place. Cotton gets wound as I use it.... The serger threads are together as always, but are also sharing space with woolly nylons, two toned cottons, and my heavy duty threads. Where do the the R's come into things. Reduce, reuse and recycle..??Well, I've also been going through my painting supplies and bagging up what I know I won't get to, those will be donated to a local school's art class.That covers my reduce and reuse. I'm sorting all my doll magazines and they have been offered to a doll group, more to go on that front, That's reducing as well. All the paper receipts I've collected and kept in a stack are getting sorted and the backsides being used as scrap paper...reuse and reduce. All the plastic spools I emptied filling bobbins, are going into the blue recycle box to. Anything that has no other purpose that I can think of and that is allowed in the recycling bag and/or box, out it goes. January is a good time for this. Start fresh and keep it going all year....I have just begun...

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