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Saturday, August 11, 2007

I've been tagged for being nice!!!

I have been tagged with a 'Nice Matters' award from my friend Connie McBride of Clothmatters. I am to nominate five people who qualify for being nice. Talk about pressure, I can name all kinds of people who are nice, but I will do my best to keep the numbers down to those who have blogs or websites, but I will compelled to spill over to a couple who don't have either of those.
My nominees are:
Ladybug Jan McCraw of Ladybug Creations for her work for kids
Leila Desborough of Wayward Wombat for her work with animals
Gwen Crichton of Crichtons Craft for her efforts to inspire creativity in her students
Serena Lewis of Searen Art and Design who is just simply nice and a fantastic artist
Colleen Babcock of The Magic Bean who is also nice and a wonderfully creative doll maker

Ladybug, Leila, Gwen, Serena and Colleen, you need to copy the banner above and nominate your 5 friends now...Have at it ladies.!!!!!!!

My 6th nomination goes to Lorene Sherpinskas who doesn't have a blog or website but is just a very nice person who deserves to be mentioned.

And my 7th nomination to Pat Atkinson who keeps me and everyone else around her in stitches with her stories but who I couldn't convince to put together a blog and share her wit with the world. There are many many nice people that I can mention but I have tried to keep it to the short list.


  1. Thanks for tagging me, Ro. :) I will post about it on my blog later today.

  2. Romona,
    Thanks for the tag. I've already done my bit on my blog. You are a sweetie!
